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Customised collaboration with the SIG's clients






Corporate social responsibility goes beyond the sustainable use of materials and resources. People, the environment and society are central to INTOS. People do not only refer to INTOS employees or the people we work with in projects. We like to be of significance to people for whom participation in the labour process and society is not self-evident. Cooperation with the Samenwerkende Instellingen Geestelijk gehandicapten (SIG), an organisation in Central and South-Kennemerland for people with a disability and/or autism-related disorder, is one such way. What that customised cooperation looks like in a dynamic company like INTOS?

Tailor-made workplaces

INTOS has been working with the SIG for a year and a half. The SIG offers small-scale tailor-made support in the areas of parenting, housing, finance/debt, daytime activities and social activation. The starting point in all support is the client's autonomy, so the SIG really focuses on what the client wants and is able to do. With the growth of INTOS as well as the renovation of the premises that resulted in a beautiful new canteen for the 100-150 INTOS workers who lunch there daily, the need for more help also arose. "When we came into contact with the SIG from which an orientation meeting followed, everything actually fell into place immediately. The SIG was enthusiastic about the workplaces they could fill with a team of about 5 clients per day," said Diederik Hein (director).

Good atmosphere through understanding each other

Guido, supervisor: "INTOS staff are well informed about what they can and cannot expect from our clients. This is important to have and maintain a good atmosphere with an understanding for each other. Our clients who work at INTOS in the canteen, among other things, are cheerful and visibly enjoying their new role. They enjoy working and interacting with INTOS colleagues."

As colleagues

Diederik Hein: "The cooperation with the SIG clients is unique! The tasks they take up, such as preparing and clearing the buffet, ensure a smooth lunch for us. And for them, a place in society again. The SIG works with committed, experienced and professional supervisors who give people room to develop at INTOS. Both the clients and supervisors of the SIG are now familiar faces within our company and are seen as colleagues by everyone."

Questions about this project? Contact Mark

Mark Mark
Team Lead Airport Interiors

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